About Antbear Lodge

Londiwe learned to cook at Antbear Lodge and can now run the kitchen almost single handedly

Antbear Drakensberg Lodge  employs people from the local area. Most have little previous work experience or formal training. We provide continues training and skills development with workshops and practical training.

Mlendeni Sithole - Groom and maintenence
Mlendeni is responsible for looking after the horses, maintaining the property and is just fun to have around.

Our vision at Antbear Lodge is based on responsible tourism including fair wages and working conditions, fair distribution of benefits, ethical business practice, and respect for human rights, culture and the environment.

“We are very  honored to be able to serve you.  We love our work at Antbear Lodge and are proud of what we have achieved together. Some of us have been here since the very beginning. We support each other and because we know that together we are better. “  says Thoko who was busy with some house keeping chores

Antbear Lodge is also home to horses, donkeys, a few cows, a flock of sheep, some geese, turkeys, ducks, chickens, dogs and some cats. The dogs love to walk and are always willing to show guests the place. Conny is passionate about her horses and practices the gentler horse whispering methods to train them.

Thoko helps out where ever it is necessary from welcoming you to our lodge to making sure the garden is not being neglected or that the raspberries are being cooked into jam. She has recently together with Conny started to learn to spin wool, knit and weave as we slowly start our new home weaving venture.

Andrew and Conny are the business owners and used to live in Germany. They moved back to South Africa in 2000 looking for a slower pace of life and a more rural way of living. They have realized their dream of a sustainable lifestyle which has resulted in the development of the Antbear Lodge. They have created some very interesting concepts like straw bale buildings and a luxury cave. They have learned new skills like woodworking and weaving and have even learned to thatch their own buildings from grass they cut on the property.

“We have had quite a bit of help from the people in our community and without them none of this could have been achieved.”  says Andrew

Mister is a young horse who is still a bit too young to be ridden. But not to young to be loved.

Spend some time with Conny and Andrew and let them share the story of their journey to South Africa. Their adventure of building the lodge and learning just how difficult it is to live more gently on the earth. These are passionate people who love to travel. Ask them about their adventures to the gorillas in Rwanda or the penguins in Antarctica. You will be inspired  by some of their stories and places they have been.

“We think there is more to accommodation than just the bed and that a lot of what makes our lodge so hospitable is due to us who live and work here. We are a team and we love what we do to spoil you and make your stay memorable. I know we would all love to meet you and host you at Antbear Lodge soon.” says Conny

So if you also think that your South Africa accommodation  experience should be more than just a comfortable bed and delicious food then come and come and be spoiled by us.